Thursday, December 22, 2005


A week ago, I met a taxi driver who was very different from the taxi drivers that I have met in my life. This one was very talkative and never lost topics to talk about. Everytime the cab would go silent, he would start talking again just to fill that echoing silence. This, for me, was very unusual since I am not used to talking to strangers.

This man wanted to know a lot about me. He asked where I went to school, what course I am taking, and even what sport I like. What struck me most was the fact that he was so open with sharing his own experiences. He used to take up accounting but never got to finish it because he did not have enough money. We talked about biology topics and this man even knew more than I did. Then, he also told me he used to play tennis but, as the usual case was with him, he did not have enough money to continue it. This guy even wanted to watch my IAC competition just so he can watch tennis again.

But, that is not the point of this entry. The point of this entry is that this man told me that I should do what I love. He asked me what type of doctor I wanted to be and I said I wanted to be a pediatrician and the only reason I wanted cardiology is because of the money. This made him say that I should not do things because of the money rather, I should do it because it gives me joy.

With this, I have realized that I have changed myself so much just to adapt to the world and this turned me into a person who has lost his true identity. I keep saying that people lose their identity by not showing who they are not realizing that I am losing it to. I am losing it because of constant change. If I continue this, I might not even know who I am. I do not believe that changing is a permanent concept. For me, we can always stop changing if we stop trying to fit into the molds that society has given us. I've realized that changing for people, is just lying to oneself.

The man I met might not have been able to do what he loved but he made sure other people did. And for me, that is really commendable. I know that I would not meet him again and if ever I do, that would just be a bonus. Yet, there is one thing I know that this man has done. He has made sure that he is remembered. In the future, when I am doing something that I love, I will tell myself that this man was one of the reasons.

One day, I would want to do just the same thing. I want someone to remember me even if everybody else forgets.

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