Tuesday, January 02, 2007

of starts and diamonds

Everything has to have a start. Whatever it is that happens, there will always be a start. The one thing that people do not know is that the start does not determine the end. Yes, it might be able to affect it some way but it is not the sole determinant of where you will go.

In life, you meet people who you forge relationships with. Some of them you keep for all your life. While some of them, without actually intending to, you forget. I have this theory about myself. I meet new groups of friends on a somewhat constant basis. And at the end of the day, only a part of that group actually remains to be my close friend. This is my theory... while we do meet groups of friends, we only become close with a few of them. As a result, the ones you became close with are the ones who become your friends with until you are old.

Friendships have starts. While most of them have ends, some of them don't. It's like a sifter where you try to seperate the fine grains from those rocky ones at every turning point of your life. Well, you're left with the rocky ones, but then you realize that they are actually diamonds in the rough. I have forged friendships that have grown, that have become stunted, or that have died.

Still, even with a lot of people sifted out, I am still left with those diamonds who are gonna be my friends until I die.

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