Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I have ridden the merry-go-round a lot of times
where horses roam the same pastures for eternity
where music flows with the soft, calm air around
where each round gives that momentary bliss

Oh how I love the merry-go-round
for I have loved it since I was a kid
and it said i was tall enough to ride
and that was enough reason for me to love it

But as all things are, it shall come to an end
where horses roam the same pastures for you to be surfeited
where music pierces the soft calm air you enjoy
where each round gives that sickening feeling

Oh how I abhor the merry-go-round
for I have loved it only when I was a kid
and it said i was too tall to ride
and that was enough reason for me to abhor it


Joyceee said...

i actually hate merry-go-round even when i was a kid because i easily get sick riding on it... hehe

thetenniskid said...

hahaha... me too. this poem isn't really about merry-go-rounds. find the deeper essence of it if you want. hehe. :)