Sunday, June 11, 2006


It's funny when you experience moments which you never imagined you would be experiencing. You make fun of those people who make fools of themselves because they have just taken in so much. But when you are the one doing it, it does not seem that stupid at all. You have fun, you loosen up, and you dance to the beat. The taste itself makes me want more of it. Then, that feeling of being buzzed just makes it much more sweeter.

I have been drinking non-stop and I am currently on a hiatus. I plan to do it for at least two weeks. I had a bad experience lately and I just do not plan for it to happen again. I think I am no alcoholic. I hope I am thinking right because I need to control it.


Anonymous said...
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Joyceee said...

why not play tennis instead of drinking? it's better to drown yourself in playing tennis than drinking alcohol... =)

thetenniskid said...

haha. yep, that's what i've been doing. :D

Joyceee said...

good... good.. hehe :P