Sunday, March 26, 2006

the kiss of death

I have just experienced the kiss of death and boy, was it bad. It started out as good clean fun (well, it was always the case) until someone was dared to kiss any of the guys in the circle. There were five choices and I ended up being the unfortunate one. Crap. Good thing, the others were kissed as well. The exception of course was the guy who considered me Muslim for he covered himself well. Hehe. The guys has decided to put this in our repressed memory bank. But I doubt that I will ever forget such a horrifying experience.

Still, the whole party was fun and that is something I do not want to put into my repressed memory bank. I got home at three and fell down on my bed. First time, I slept in jeans, actually.

I woke up today and never forgot any of the things that happened yesternight and day. That means I never got drunk... only tipsy. I am still dizzy and I plan to sleep all day. Why did I have to drink alcohol straight from the bottle? I deserve this somehow... or not.

Anyway, Happy Birthday to one of my bestfriends, dressing made of eggs! :D

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